Rep. Hillary Scholten

Democrat – Michigan – 3rd District

Detailed Vote Record Analysis

A vote record analysis of 135 major policies last session reveals this lawmaker holds “extreme progressive” views with a rating of 9.52 on a 100 point scale.

This Lawmaker

Key Policies Leading to Classification of “Extreme Progressive”

Crime and Public Safety

Scholten Opposed:

HJR 26 made communities safer by repealing the dangerous criminal justice “reforms” in Washington D.C. which reduced penalties for violent crimes like carjackings, robberies and homicides.

Scholten Opposed:

HJR 42 made communities safer by repealing anti-police policies in Washington D.C. which gave more power to anti-police activists and stripped officers of certain rights.

Scholten Opposed:

HR 2494 made communities safer by making assaults on law enforcement or first responders by an illegal immigrant a deportable offense – aka the “Police ACT”.

Border Security and Immigration

Scholten Opposed:

HR 3941 protected vulnerable children by ensuring adult illegal immigrants who may have criminal histories are not housed in school gymnasiums – aka “Schools Not Shelters ACT”.

Scholten Supported:

Amd. #51* weakened border security by prohibiting DHS funds from being used for “Operation Lone Star” a critical border security operation in Texas that includes thousands of police officers and miles of border barriers.

Scholten Opposed:

HR 2 reduced illegal immigration by ensuring taxpayer funds are not used forced to pay for housing welfare for illegal immigrants – aka “Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act”.

*Amd 51 to HR 4367

Inflation and Economy

Scholten Supported:

Amd. 57* hiked energy prices on Americans through a draconian “renewable energy” mandate that largely bans oil and gas extraction on federal lands.

Scholten Opposed:

HR 1435 protected Americans from higher vehicle prices by preventing states from outlawing gas-powered cars sales and imposing all-electric vehicle mandates.  AKA Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act.

Scholten Supported:

Amd. 12* increased costly regulations on the U.S. economy by allowing far more regulations to be imposed without congressional oversight or scrutiny under the REINS Act.

*Amd. 57 to HR 21

*Amd. 12 to HR 277